Also, what do you do for thinning hair near the hairline starting at the forehead. it's not really bald but lot thinner than the rest of the head.
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
It sounds like your hair is damaged from too much processing-heat and chemicals. You need to make sure that it is being treated professionally and that it is being deep conditioned every couple of weeks. Stop the blow drying and let it air dry. Thinning at the forehead usually means that you are pulling the hair back too tight, lighten up a bit and wear it in a looser style.
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
will look everyone shads about 101 hairs a day so go on with your same cool . Report It
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
My hair comes out all the time when I shower, brush, or blow dry it. I seriously vacuum up so much of it, it's scary. You'd think I'd be bald by now.
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
idk maybe u r not eating the right vitiamins...
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
We all "shed" hair.. Somedays they shed faster than other times and you notice the extra strand of hair. Dont worry its normal. As you age your hair may fall out more than in your younger days. There are also medical conditions where your hair is affected. Talk to your doctor before it is too late.
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
That blow dryer may be the reason so much hair is coming out. Gets so dry it's effectively dead. (Only the root is alive, anyway.)
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
It can be genetic or stress related. I have the same issue. Its scary one day I swear I'm gonna wake up bald. Try to eat a healthy diet and excersise or do whatever relieves stress for you...If all else fails....I hear Rogaine works like magic!
O yea I recently switched bruches....a softer one ...caled Ouchless,,,its helps prevents breakage...and it really does.
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
Some women suffer from thinning hair, you can see a doctor to see if there is something you can do to reduce hair fallout.
Like with men you can use something like Rogaine to help with this, your doctor can tell you what side effects might be.
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
if that is happening u should c a docter that could be very serious it might be cancer
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
I go to an acupuncturist and told her about my problem with my hair falling out. She told me to stick out my tongue, looked at it and said "ah, you have trouble sleeping at night" (which is true and always has been) "and you dream a lot" (also true). She said I have what they call "inner heat" in chinese medicine, and that it can be fixed with chinese herbal tea. Unfortunetly, the tea was very expensive, so I don't know if it would have worked.
If you want to see a doctor about it, go to a naturopathic doctor, or something like that. They are better at fixing little imbalances in your body.
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
I don't know why it's thinning but I've been told if you are annorexic, your hair falls out. No one likes bald people. Eat more jello and it should grow back though.
Why does my hair shed? I see hair all over the floor when i blow dry it and also when i wash it in the shower?
my hair use to be like that, until i got it chemically straightened in Japan. i thought it might get worse, damaging my hair and all, but actually, i don't loose so much hair as before. but i still have the same problem as you do, my hair is really thin, and when i put my hair back in a ponytail, on my right side, it looks like if im almost bold. but then, people don't really notice it, since on the other side, i have strands of white hair (first noticed it in 2nd grade) im in 8th grade, so people just think im dyeing my hair, which im not, but my guess is that we aren't using the right shampoo/conditioner for our hair, or maybe we where just born that way-which sucks.
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