I have short thin and limp hair. Any suggestions?
Limp and thin hair?
I have reallllly long hair. I straighten it EVERY DAY without fail %26amp; use a hir dryer all the time. It is quite thin %26amp; limp... well it was until I started using "Loreal Elvive" Either for coloured hair or the pink bottle. Use a LOT of conditioner, Not so much shampoo.
Another thing, try to buy a tub of "Deep Conditioner" such as the elvive one... although it's a bit pricy. Try Henna wax, once or so a week, just to give it a good condition. Leave these in as much as you can, at least an hour.
Also try and trim your hair every so often to prevent split ends!
Limp and thin hair?
volume boosting shampoo?
Limp and thin hair?
Use a volumizing shampoo and conditionar. And a root boost by Cat Walk or the stuff called Super Star it's made by Bed Head it works wonders! I have really thin, fine hair and It really helps give it body. Also if you blow dry your hair upside down it adds body! Good Luck!
Limp and thin hair?
drink a glass of milk with one raw egg into it every morning theyll make ur hair thick and healthy
first drink them once in a weekend say every sunday and then increase the intake to add flavour u can also add a little coffee powder to it
try it it works for me
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