Saturday, July 25, 2009

Getting hair thinned out?

I'm thinking about getting my hair thinned out. I have short hair (just touching my shoulders) and side-sweepy bangs.

I have pretty thick hair and I'm wondering if getting it thinned will make it easier to manage [i.e., make it sit better, doesn't twist and curl in random places.]

I've had my hair thinned out before, but it was a bit longer then and I don't really remember it...

Getting hair thinned out?

go for it

Getting hair thinned out?

that sounds cool.

my hair is below my shoulders but it is sooo poofy and there is so much of it. i think straightning it out is a great idea.

best of luck with it!!!

Getting hair thinned out?

It'll help tremendously. It'll dry faster, it'll be easier to style, it won't feel so heavy...I recommend it to anyone with very thick hair.

Getting hair thinned out?

yeah, definitely go for it!

My hair is (was) thick as well... and a bit shorter than shoulder length... I hated it because it would "poof" on the sides making my face look especially rounder...

It's not that bad if your hair is dense and long cuz the weight of the hair make it stay down or put.

But on the contrary with shorter hair...

So yeah go for it... Also make sure they thin out the interior of the hair... so there wont be any shorter hairs sticking out.

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