Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hair loss do to bleaching...HELP?!!?

I went to a hair stylist about 3 years ago. I wanted a certain style and color. Well when it came to the bleaching part of the hair style. Everything went bad. I was sitting there under the dryer when my scalp started hurting severly. I felt it doing something and when I touched the plastic covering my head, I could feel the bleach bubbling. So literally it was boiling on my head. When we got done. My scalp was scabed and messed up. Most of the hair was fryed to about one inch if that and I had medium hair length at the time. So it was a big diifference in the length. I have always had healthy strong hair until this point. Now I have a thinning problem, just on the portion of my hair that was bleached and my scalp has never fully recovered. I could kick myself in the butt for not going back and getting something done. What can I do to help the thinning hair grow back and be thick like it used to be? and help my scalp get healthy at the same time? Is there a product anyone suggest?

Hair loss do to bleaching...HELP?!!?

If you found some sort of miracle grow for hair, you could make a fortune off of it. Right now there is not a reliable product out there. I suppose you could try Rogaine or something of the sort, but you probably won't have any luck. I hate to burst a bubble of hope, but I'm just realistic. The scar tissue on your head is probably preventing the hair from growing, if the hair follicle is even still intact. It sounds like your bleach job was more like a chemical electrolysis.

Hair loss do to bleaching...HELP?!!?

well maybe go to a dermatologist so u can get ur scalp back to being healthy and i guess conditioners ans stuff ur going to have to grow it out best of luck and i been through a similar situation so i feel ur pain

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