Saturday, July 25, 2009

Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

I have very thick hair and i would like to have it thinned out so it's about half the thickness. Is this actually possible, or can it only be thinned out a certain amount?

Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??


Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

i don't know about half but yes, if you ask to have it thinned out they will do it

Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

yep. suer can! i have the same hair but then i got mine thinned out and now its half as thin. go to ficacellos they will do it for you. thats where i go.

trust me they can


Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

You can thin it out as much as you want. The hairdresser should tell you when they think it's good enough. But yeah, however thin you want it.

Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

Yes they basically just layer it underneath. It feels alot better trust me lol. But they will shear it! You will think they are cutting all your hair off

Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

they can try but it might take a while for it to be half. like more than one try at thinning. i'd love it if they could though. my hair is too thick.

Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

I had mine thinned out about 4 years ago. it worked. I have really thick, boufant hair. and it helped tremendously. She thinned it all over, and the poof was gone.

They use special scissors that look like they have teeth, and cut the hair close to the scalp. Half the hair is cut, and half is left.

Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

my mom is a hairdresser and u can get thinned slowly but u cant just get half way thinned all at once. plus all those chemicals all at once will really damage your hair.

Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

Yes they actually thin your hair out. It's a great little trick for those of us with unruly thick hair (yes, I have thick hair as well) They take a utensil that looks like a pair of scissors and they actually cut into your hair, just taking out parts of strands. It won't harm your hair at all, and if you want it to get thicker again, just let it grow out. However, on a side note, you are somewhat lucky to have thick hair, because when you get much older everyone with thin hair will be losing their hair, while you may only lose a little of the thickness :-D It seems a curse now, but you'll be thanking your genes later.

Can hairdressers thin hair out so the hair is half the thickness??

of course! i get my done i forget what she called the scissor thing but just asked for it thinned out! it feels so much more lighter i get it done everytime i go there

hope this helps!

good luck

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