Saturday, July 25, 2009

People who have had their hair thinned NOT recently....please look at this. PLZ!!!?

I have wavy/curly very thick and poofy hair. i asked a question about thinning it but then i found out that when the hairs that were cut start to grow out, it makes your hair very bushy and sticks out.

Instead, people have told me to layer it. I am thinking about doing both.......but does thinning your hair really eventually make it stick out/bushy??? PLEASE ANSWER!!!!

People who have had their hair thinned NOT recently....please look at this. PLZ!!!?

I have really thick hair and have had stylists tell me that a bunch of times so I just get it layered and I can never leave it down because its all in my face all the time. Finally I found a really good stylist (asked a lady with a super stylish cut where she went) and she actually thinned my hair (not to the scalp though then it would fuzz out a lot) and woo hoo finally for the first time in years I can wear my hair down and not get annoyed with it. The key is to find a stylist who is comfortable with thinning so they know what they are doing. Maybe call around and ask some salons??

People who have had their hair thinned NOT recently....please look at this. PLZ!!!?

Oups! you're in the wrong department to ask your question but I would try to be careful on how much layer and thinning you do on your hair. Only a pro who know very well can give you a great look or it's gonna be a disaster. I'm afraid if it's cut too short the result will be out and bushy! Either way, you're gonna need a good silicone gel and serum to tame the frizzies.

People who have had their hair thinned NOT recently....please look at this. PLZ!!!?

i usually get my hair both thinned and layered bc i have really thick hair and its so nice now i have no probs!!!...

People who have had their hair thinned NOT recently....please look at this. PLZ!!!?

okay, i have really thick, wavy-ish hair too, and i got my hair layered and thinned, and i never noticed anything with them sticking out or anything...i got my hair thinned last about 2 months ago, and it hasn't been bothering me, actually it was probably the best thing ive done for my hair in a while =] id try if i were u, and if it DOES mess up, itll grow back, but i doubt itll mess up! hope this helps!

People who have had their hair thinned NOT recently....please look at this. PLZ!!!?

no it doesn't it makes it look nice but i don't think thinning it is the best solution

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