Saturday, July 25, 2009

My hair is really thin, so I was thinking about getting some extensions.How is that done?Do most sal

do they glue them in? or braid them..i heard braiding them in ruins your hair..and I have thin hair that breaks easily...but I heard glueing them in sucks b/c they come loose when you wash your confused on what to do..I really want my hair to look think and full..

My hair is really thin, so I was thinking about getting some extensions.How is that done?Do most salons do it?

ok lets talk about extensions. i have them.. i lsot my hair due to malnutrition and the depo shot. it became thin and brittle. so i got extentions for a quick fix. 1200 dollars for my extensions in which they bonded/glued them in. well that was great. they were heavy and alot of work but looked amazing.. the only downfall was when they started falling out three months later and needed to come out i didnt want to take them out cause i coudlnt affort another 1200 to get more so i kept them in as long as i could and the hair ended up gettin matted. and now it is worse then before. so my advice for you is if you c an swing 1200 every 3-4 months do it. but in the long run it will ruing you hair. trust me!!!

My hair is really thin, so I was thinking about getting some extensions.How is that done?Do most salons do it?

Well I know that it cost ALOT and they are a pain. But a friend of mine talked about getting them and she had a salt water pool and you can't get into salt water with them so that was that for her

My hair is really thin, so I was thinking about getting some extensions.How is that done?Do most salons do it?

Accept yourself for who you are. Trying to do all that will ruin your hair. Go to the salon and ask what you can do to make it healthy with out any or little damage.

My hair is really thin, so I was thinking about getting some extensions.How is that done?Do most salons do it?

hey whats up, my name is nelly and i suggest that if you have thin hair that breaks don't get any extensions because the synthetic hair is really heavy and will do a lot of damage and you may even lose more hair. if you want something a little more less damaging buy some clip in hair extensions that you could put in and take out. they are less expensive and will not dammage your hair as much. but if your still set on getting extensions condition your hair first so that it won't get as damaged. hope this helps:%26gt;

My hair is really thin, so I was thinking about getting some extensions.How is that done?Do most salons do it?

Hi:) Just wanted to mention that I used to have thinning hair. In fact I was nearly bald. I took a gamble and bought some high dollar all natural and organic shampoo the name of the brand was "Jason" There are several different kinds. I used the "thin-to-thick" kind. But I think it has more to do with whats not in the shampoo vs. what is. There is an ingredient in regular shampoo that is known as sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate. It can cause hair loss. Not only that it isn't good for you at all. That chemical can also be found in laundry detergent and carpet cleaner. I would give the "Jason" shampoo a try! I have had tremendous results! But then again I could have just been allergic to that chemical. Not sure but, It worked for me!

My hair is really thin, so I was thinking about getting some extensions.How is that done?Do most salons do it?

Getting good quality extensions cost a lot of money to put in and maintain. They get tweezed into your own hair, and yes, will give you fuller looking hair. If you can afford it, then go for it girl!

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