Saturday, July 25, 2009

I have very thin hair if i get hair extentions will they show through my hair?

i don't want to get them, if the wind blows or the sun is shining bright and all you see are the extentions ,embarresing!!! i have brown thin hair especially on the top and crown area . i want thicker looking hair are their any hair care products out there i don't know about please do tell ! thanxs a million :)

I have very thin hair if i get hair extentions will they show through my hair?

If your hair is really thin, then yeah - the tracks will show through on top and alone the hairline.

It's better to use Sebastian's Body Double shampoo/conditioner. It works wonders - my hair is very fine and thin on top as well.

I have very thin hair if i get hair extentions will they show through my hair?


I have very thin hair if i get hair extentions will they show through my hair?

no. extentions are made for people with thin hair.

when you pick a salon, go get a "quick evaluation" first

and they will check out your hair. they will proboly put in alot at the top and im sure it will look very nice

I have very thin hair if i get hair extentions will they show through my hair?

Good question. I wouldn't know i don't have thin hair.

I have very thin hair if i get hair extentions will they show through my hair?

Just make sure you go to a nice place.

Getting cheap extensions can look bad on anyone (thick OR thin hair). Have you seen pictures of Britney Spears lately? haha.

Besides, mostly all celebrites have extentions. And I'm sure some of them have thin hair.

I have very thin hair if i get hair extentions will they show through my hair?

if you get extentions with fine thin hair it could make it worse. try this they look like the healthiest way to get extentions that wont show.

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