Saturday, July 25, 2009

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

I've always had a head full of thick hair. While it's still thick, I think it's thinning. I don't see a lot of my hair fall out, but who knows. My grandpa on my mom's side was bald, so does that mean that I probably will have thin hair? I dye my hair also and use heating products to fix it. I also have a widows peek for a hairline... and I feel like it's diminishing. I'm about to finish my first year of college (straight out of high school) and I'm really nervous. No one else can tell becauase my hair is still tihick... but I definitely can tell and I don't like it. Do the anti hair loss products actually work? I would go to the doctor, but I go to school out of state and I'd just like to know something to ease my mind.

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

Stop dying it and using heating products. Too much damage will cause it to fall out.

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

"I dye my hair also and use heating products to fix it."

should stop with that then.

but if it has genetic reasons, you wont be able to do much about it except hair transplantation or stuff like that

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

This is most likely to be because of stress.

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

go to hair therapy. its not because of stress[my opinion] but maybe ur not takin care of it

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

Stress can cause hair loss so calm down!

It sounds lyk it's on the male part of you family not the female side.

Straighting you hair doesn't do it a world of good but invest in a good heat protector before you straighten it. Normally if you buy a good quality hair dye the come with a conditioner use it well!

Oh hair loss products don't work but there's a cow in India which is believed if it licks you head it helps your hair grow back! LOL i hope that helped ease you worry!

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

its normal.. im only 14 and i get hair loss well its not noticeable since it grows back i bet its stress

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

Hi elli,

I think it may be hormones or stress. If your grandparents were bald, this runs in your genes, so it could mean that too. You are still too young to be going through this, so I believe that it could be stress and also your hair dyes and the harsh heating products or chemicals that are damaging your scalp, roots and hair. You should go natural and stop dying your hair, also get organic shampoo and conditioner and products for your hair. I am also giving you a link for a great site that sells herbs. The master herbalist can answer your question and give you a free consultation and recommendations of products that would aid you. see below. e-mail them your problem in detail and they'll get back to you. hope this helps

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

you said that you just finished your first year of college right out of highscool. Congrats. That might be some of your problem. You eating habbits have changed, your sleeping patterns are all over the place and your more likely to stress more. The outside of you body thirves when the inside does. So your body just went through a stressfull period. Your hair loos is prpbablly not as serious as you would assume. Try taking a hair skin and nails vitamin. You can get this at walmart or any drug store or vitamin retail store. The blance out hair skin and nails to promote clarity and growth. Dont do anything drastic like using a hair chemical product. Your still young and your body is still changing. Take a break from straighing and hot curling your hair. Try getting roller sets or hair styles that you can wear for more than one day. Also make sure that you get you hair deeply conditiond because the dye will damage your hair and cause breakage if not taken care of. And overwashing your hair is a bad thing. Calm down dont stress.

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

Don't panic. Your hair naturally changes as you age, seasonally, and hormonally. If you feel that it is just starting to thin, it is not going to all fall out overnight. You can wait until a break in school and make a Dr. appt. But honestly, that really isn't even necessary. Your hair will go through cycles.

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

Hair 'falls' out for many reasons, stress, damage, regeneration etc. Although the hair loss gene is carried through the women it mostly affects men. A widow's peak is also hereditary.

Two things you mentioned:

1 you are finishing your first year of college (stress)

2 you use harsh products in your hair (dye and heating products)

Find a way to relax, this is different for everyone, maybe a walk in park or the beach or going to a funny movie.

Also lessen the amount of things you do to your hair. Unintentionally damaging your hair is still damaging. Your hair will appreciate this!

Remember that like skin hair regenerates it's self. It will 'fall' out to make room for new growth.

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

It is most likely from stress. To be on the safe side I would go to a local dermatologist and have them check it out. Then you will know for sure and treat it so your hair can start re-growing!

Good Luck!

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

Yes same thing happend to me in past.I bought mustard oil from indian shop it is very good oil it is smelly but good use it when u are in home rub your head with it.It is a cold oil good for england weather.

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

I've been a licensed Cosmetologist for the last 23 years and also worked in the hair replacement business, there are a few factors to consider with hair growth and keeping the hair healthy. One of them is if there is not a hair root the hair will not grow no matter what you do to it, or if the hair root is in the process of dying it will cause the hair to become thin. If you have very little hair root you can do things to help it grow, but the scalp has to be healthy enough for the hair to grow but heredity plays a big part also. It's on the mothers side if her father or her brothers lost hair at an early age it's possible it could happen to you. Maybe slowing down on the coloring or making sure you are getting it done from a professional will help. Stress plays a big factor also in hair growth, so all of these things combined may contribute to hair loss. There are things you can do to promote hair growth. People who are more active like exercising helps the hair grow simply because of the blood in the body is able to circulate alot more in a even flow and that stimulates the growth, also stimulation of the scalp, (massage). Fresh air, sunshine and eating healthy, which is also good on your skin. The hair strand is dead once it is out of the scalp and it's easy to dry out and become brittle if you are not using the right kind of shampoo and conditioner. Thats where you get the split ends that you feel like you need to be trimmed to help your hair grow, but you will keep getting split ends and the hair will never grow any faster if you are using shampoo that simply dries out your hair. ONE shampoo is pert being the worst. Well water and clorine plays a factor also, I recommend you putting a spray conditioner in your hair before swimming, with well water you will need a clarifying shampoo to get the well water out, because over time the chemicals in well water will dry up the hair, the clarifying helps remove. For winter months, using a spray conditioner before drying the hair with a hair dryer.The hair is made up of protein, not calcium. If you don't like meat find other alternatives to give you the protein you need to help the hair grow. Your diet is very important, since you are in school your probably busy and trying to get things done, but remember the vitamins you put into your body comes out on your hair. For an example thats how they gather some DNA in murder cases.All of these factors could promote the hair and make it shine. Read the ingredients in your shampoo, and stay away from shampoo that uses wax for shine or alcohol. Over time using these shampoos will strip the natural shine and cause really bad split ends because of the wax build up, pantene at first gives you shine but after pro long use the wax builds up and when you brush or comb your hair all you are doing is pulling the wax down the hair down shaft. I have seen people with split ends all up and

down there hair who just wanted there hair completely cut off, I convinced them not to do that and worked with them on their hair by bringing it back to life with 8 weeks trims and the right kind of shampoo and conditioner, which was very successful. Using the right kind of shampoo and conditioner for your hair type is very important. Professional shampoo is concentrated and last so much longer than store brands because you dilute it yourself, store bought products use alot of water in their shampoo which isn't giving you what you need. There isn't a difference between men in women in hair growth eventhough in women menapause could be a factor in men it could be male pattern baldness herdited from the mothers side, but following theses steps you would promote hair growth. If you lose your hair you would need have a hair transplant to place hair back into your root and then try and promote that root to grow, which is alot of work and time and very expensive.

Help! Hair Loss... and I'm only 18!?

About 50 to 100 milligrams a day of vitamin B6 taken for one or two months helps decrease hair fall. A medicine rich in sulfur is also recommended as sulfur plays an important part in the structure of the hair. Check out for more info.

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