Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is your hair thin/fine? - what hair cut is best for that type of hair?

I am getting may hair done as a birthday treat next week, but I have no idea what I want done to my hair.

I have a very round face and long thin and fine hair which always make is difficult to fine a style that suits me. I usually suit very short hair styles but I want to keep its longish, chin length at least. (my hair is a couple of inches below my shoulders) Anyone got any ideas?

I have trawled through online hair companies for ideas but I just dont know what will look good...

Please help me ....... :)

Is your hair thin/fine? - what hair cut is best for that type of hair?

I have very fine hair. Highlights help give it a bit of texture. I can't have it long as it looks too straggly. At the moment I have it in a blunt bob (no layers but very slightly graduated at the back). It looks good, I wash %26amp; condition it then apply a light volumiser (the Aveda one is excellent) and either tip my head upside down and blow dry or scrunch it into curls (my hair is naturally quite wavy).

Is your hair thin/fine? - what hair cut is best for that type of hair?

I have extremely fine hair. Bleach (or highlights) helps give the hair some texture so it appears thicker. Depending on your natural colouring, perhaps you should try this?

Is your hair thin/fine? - what hair cut is best for that type of hair?

check out this site

it has soo many nice hair styles to chose from.

Good luck = )

Is your hair thin/fine? - what hair cut is best for that type of hair?

probably want to cut it as low as possible to start all over...Go to a stylist and ask what is the best way to treat your hair to grow...This would and will be the best way to do things... Always use thicken conditioner to make your hair thick. You can buy this at any local store like: Wal-mart ect.

Is your hair thin/fine? - what hair cut is best for that type of hair?

As a hairdresser if your hair is fine go for the POB i no its getting old now but it make fine dull hair look healthy and more fuller that way you can keep the front long at your chin and the back can be graduated if you not keen on that go for the more normal shoulder length BOB try blow drying your hair differently it will give you more body an volume...It will look great trust me!!

Is your hair thin/fine? - what hair cut is best for that type of hair?

I have very thin hair, and a round face, so getting it thicker and flattering has been a lifelong project! Firstly, bleaching it is great, it stops being flyaway and it gets thicker and easier to manage. If you don't want to be blonde, there are tons of great colours you can go for that will thicken your hair right up. I personally have an asymetric cut with a blunt fringe and layers, and my hair can be huge!

If you're not quite so adventurous, I would suggest you got for a blunt or shaggy bob with layers and a nice fringe that you can shape around your face. It makes your cheekbones much more pronounced and softens your face. You can have it a little asymetric, which looks incredible, and get a bit of colour on it. You'll love it I promise!

Is your hair thin/fine? - what hair cut is best for that type of hair?

I have really fine hair too!

Don't get layers at the back it'll look too thin!

Shape around the front!

Get it cut just above your shoulders!

When straightened it'll look gr8 in a ponytail!

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