Saturday, July 25, 2009

I've got thin hair and want to get it cut like "The Veronicas" but dont know if it wo

Do you think that it would work with thin hair? I mean, it isn't SUPER thin but it is definatly not thick. I thought maybe I could add highlights afterwords to make it look thicker? If you don't think it would work, do you have any other suggestions?

I've got thin hair and want to get it cut like "The Veronicas" but dont know if it would work with thin hair?

go for it!!! there hair isn't thick, they just use lots of hair spray to make there hair have more volume!! when you get it cut, use aussie hair shampoo and conditioner...its really good!!

I've got thin hair and want to get it cut like "The Veronicas" but dont know if it would work with thin hair?

did u do it?

if u did how did it work? Report It

I've got thin hair and want to get it cut like "The Veronicas" but dont know if it would work with thin hair?

well if you layer your hair it gives it alot more volume so yer i think it would work

I've got thin hair and want to get it cut like "The Veronicas" but dont know if it would work with thin hair?

well try getting hair products that will give your hair more bdy then it will definetly work!! Hope this helps! Good luck on your hair!!

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