Monday, July 27, 2009

Making think hair thinner!?

Ok, so my hair is very very! thick like wow. I just started straightening it. But its so hard to do it because of its thickness. What should I do? Go to the salon and ask them to thin it? if I do will it hurt my hair if I use a flat iron on it then? Because I am considering going and getting it thinned out but wanna make sure straighten it later won't like burn it away.

THanks, in advace!

Making think hair thinner!?

my hair is like reali reali thich so i had it thinned its really simple u just go to a salon and tell them tht u want to hav yr hair thinned ive had my hair thinned and now its much easier to manage! gud luck

Making think hair thinner!?

you can buy thinning scissors at the store. Get a pair and do it yourself or even he can do it himself. You cant go worng with them really

Making think hair thinner!?

why don't you just go to the hairdresser and get it straightened don't thin it out cause its just gonna grow back at all different lengths and anyway like wow hair is to envy mines thinning out all by it self Im a girl and i might go bald soon I wish i had hair like yours. I'd love to get dreads but my hair is too thin and it would probably make it all fall out just be yourself and don't worry about what other think of your hair. From Can I Have Your Hair Then?

Making think hair thinner!?

My sister Has very thick hair aswell, Thick hair looks really good short with layers and it also gets all the weight of your head, I wish i had thicker hair, My hair is SOOOOOOOOO thin i can't have it short or it looks so stupid

Making think hair thinner!?

i have my hair like yours right now its like that! look thinning it with kind of a scissors is abd thats what all hair dressers say! i would do alot of layers so it will thin abit and stariten it with iron is bad! i woukld prefer blow drying it ! you could use a product that helps your hair to be easier blow dryed!

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