Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My hair is too hard to straighten because its too thick, if i got it thinned out, would it come back

ok well my hair is really thick and wavy, but i always used to be able to straighten it and it wouldnt be that bad, a few months ago, i got it cut and thinned out abit, but now it seems to be thicker as i am having real trouble straightening it!! id like to get it thinned out again, but am worried that it would only be short term, and id have to keep getting it done, does anyone know if it is actually true, that if you get your hair thinned out, it will eventually turn thicker?? please help

My hair is too hard to straighten because its too thick, if i got it thinned out, would it come back thicker??

Oh for sure it won't grow back thicker! My dad used to cut my hair since I was a kid and thinned it out every time for 15 years. I still have a lot of hair but it's not thick.

My hair is too hard to straighten because its too thick, if i got it thinned out, would it come back thicker??

It doesn't "turn" thicker.

From what I can tell, thinning your hair out, just gives it nicer layers that help it be less weight~y and not so much volume.

Your hair's just growing out and returning to it's original state.

I usually get a haircut every 2-3 months because I have thick hair. It's straight though.

My hair is too hard to straighten because its too thick, if i got it thinned out, would it come back thicker??

No, your hair doesn't turn thicker if you thin it because if you're "thinning it out" you're really just adding layers so it's not like your actually affecting the hair. It's kidn of like cutting hte hair, you know? And for straightening, try going thorugh your hair twice with the straightener, or leave it on longer.

My hair is too hard to straighten because its too thick, if i got it thinned out, would it come back thicker??

what are you talking about? The HAIR actually getting thinner,, or the overall appearance of volume:S. I know for a fact that straightening your hair for a period of time, damages your hair and thins it, causing split ends. Obviously when your hair grows out it appears like your ORIGINAL hair thickness. I permanately straigtened my hair and it is soo thin now -.- The roots that are growing are do not have chemicals therefore it isnt thin. got it? hope it helps.

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